From Unity, Resilience, Solidarity to Fortitude! Even the naming of the Budget was meticulously thought of and adopted: very typical of PAP! God Bless Singapore!
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I am still confident the PAP Party will lead Singapore out of this and restore, if not multiply, our reserves for the next generations!
May I remind all who are now the beneficiary of the handouts: we did NOTHING to deserve all these! So even if its ‘payback’ time, its YOU and MY descendants that will benefit from it, WHINE NOT!
Singapore Government walks the talk. By expecting landlords to help with the rental for businesses, they now provide loans to assist with cashflow. Then I saw an article of a landlord claiming she was stretched to buying a commercial property for Investment and so such a ‘demand’ should not be imposed on her. How weird! When she makes the gains, does she thank anyone or herself for her great acumen in this excellent investment decision?
For every decision made, there will be pockets of people who will be left out, have to deal with that. Hasn’t she heard of the ‘middle squeeze’?
For sure, GST hike, amongst many more will have to come. Afterall, this generation has enjoyed the deployment of the reserves earned by our forefathers. Its only right we contribute back to the Kitty to ensure future generations of Singaporeans will be cushioned against future global pandemics, WITHOUT having to print more monies!
PM Lee and his Team addresses the Nation on their vision and goals for Singapore, reassuring Singaporeans once again that they will leave no one behind!
Minister Chan Chun Sing continues to assure Singaporeans! They have been real busy! So much on their plate, and not forgetting they have families too!
#GodBlessSingapore #StrongSGGovt #BlessOurMinisters #ProudSingaporean