If you ask Singaporeans, they have so much to ‘complain’ about: ‘Corrupt’ Ruling Party, Democracy ‘Suppressed’, ‘Inequality’ and Favouritism over Foreign Talents, High Costs of Living…
If you just ask the rest of the world, they are all envying Singapore and just cannot imagine what the world are Singaporeans really whining about…
So where’s the disconnect? I can only point it to complacency, totat utter comfort zone and pure ignorance for many of these whiners have never really stepped out of Singapore and never seen the real world. Yet, there’s the other group: the well travelled Senior Executives, with all their exposures and benefits accrued to them, holding top management posts, still criticising the government over many issues. So am I slapping my own face here? I don’t think so(of course you say)… its the lack of grattude and contentment. Name me a Country thats better than Singapore: don’t tell me Finland, Switzerland… for one, you are not willing to pay their kind of personal taxes so… GET REAL!