+65 9001 0001 kelvin@kelvinkhoo.com

Want to take the complexities out of investing? With AIA Pro Lifetime Protector (II) you can receive professional guidance and exclusive access to 3 Guided Portfolios. This can help you avoid the pitfalls of emotional investing and timing the markets, for optimised returns in the long term.

Plus, you can also enjoy life protection along with the choice of critical illness coverage. Simply sign up by 15 March to get up to 10% off your first year’s premium & 160 AIA Vitality coins for free! Ping me anytime for more info.

T&Cs apply. Please refer to aia.com.sg. Protected up to specific limits by SDIC.

#KelvinKhoo #AIASG #AIAProLifetimeProtectorII #Insurance #ILP