+65 9001 0001 kelvin@kelvinkhoo.com

Hi There! Are you planning to take the COVID-19 Vaccine? I’m here to give you a confidence boost as you take this brave step. AIA is now offering a COVID-19 Vaccine Cover for FREE!

Apply by 30 June 2021 to enjoy the following benefits up till 31 December 2021.

1) Up to $1,000 cash pay-out if you’re hospitalised due to COVID-19 Vaccine Complications.

2) $500 lump sum cash pay-out if you’re hospitalised due to COVID-19.

*T&Cs apply. Please refer to the application website for full details. Protected up to specified limits by SDIC.

Contact me to find out more or simply click on the link below to apply now!


#KelvinKhoo #AIACovid19VaccineCover #MedicalInsurance #Covid-19