+65 9001 0001 kelvin@kelvinkhoo.com

With so much exposure and write-up on the importance of having a Will, I am hardly surprised to hear of many I have spoken with who is still assuming the risk of not having at least a Will to distribute their Assets.

The most common misunderstood intent of not having a Will is I don’t have much and its not worth spending on a Will AND when I die, everything goes to my Spouse.

Sure! Now that you ARE dead, how will the Court know that was your wish? SMS? Voice recorded message are NOT recognised as a legal intent of your wishes.

Most importantly, I have often shared the primary purpose of having a Will is to AVOID the Probate Process! When you die Testate versus Intestate, its an entirely different matter to the Court! Selflishly, its no longer your issue but the problem of your surviving loved ones to bear the brunt of your decision, or indecision too me.

If you think you wish to consider having a Will now, feel free to drop me an email