+65 9001 0001 kelvin@kelvinkhoo.com

Caring for our aged parents is a non-negotiable duty we carry, just as our parents brought us up to who we are today.

Practically, there is also a financial cost to be tied to this act of caring, giving and providing.

Plan well, insure oneself, insure your parents and transfer all these risks out to an Insurer to avoid depleting your Bank Account overnight for after using all your financial resources up on providing for your parents, who is to then replenish your Bank Account for your own old age living?

#KelvinKhoo #FinancialPlanning #FilialPiety #CaringforParents #InsurancePlanning #MedicalPlanning #LongTermCare #DisabilityPlanning #AIASG #HealthierLongerBetterLives