+65 9001 0001 kelvin@kelvinkhoo.com

Leslie Yee from SPH wrote about going light on Insurance, in particular, a Shield Plan; having an Integrated Shield Plan versus our mandatory MediShield Life.

Absolutely, taking up an insurance coverage is definitely voluntary AND after being deemed eligbile!

Having an Integrated Shield Plan with the option for having treatment at a Private Hospital is not purely for the vanity of choosing a Specialist and having privacy as written. Its the crucial element of being treated and attended to when one is in excruciating pain, but regrettably, and again totally understandable, not a life threatening situation where the same person in such dire pain will simply be left ‘resting’ in the temporary/observation ward, ocasionally being checked on by duty MOs.

I say this with first hand experience when a love one from home was unfortunately being hit with food poisoning, experiencing severe stomach cramps, coupled with vomitting, being sent to Changi General Hospital and saw how she was being ‘treated’ versus the same situation(yeah, very unfortunate) at Parkway East Hospital.

I humbly to Leslie Yee, when he is in such situation and he is being treated at a Public Hospital, perhaps then, he may have a different opinion of why one still choose to pay for an apt coverage offering treatment in a Private Hospital.

In the entire coure of my professional service of recommending AIA’s HealthShield Gold Max A, I have always maintained that our Public Healthcare is one of the best. However, the very nature of it being PUBLIC, it has a duty of care, amidst limited hospital resourices, to ensure that they prioritise treatment to life threatening cases. For the patient though, he or she may not be dying but the pain they are experiencing sure makes them feel that way!

From Day 1, me and my family have been on today’s HealthShield Gold Max A with VitalHealth A, Cancer Care Booster and Emergency Outpatient Care A. This will continue to be so until I can no longer afford to pay the premiums.

The constant hammering of Insurers and Private Shield Plans is another topic for another day when the blame always fall on the Insurer and Policyholders. Just wondering, isn’t there 2 other parties missing out of this entire relationship which result in the high billing?

#KelvinKhoo #GoingLightonInsurance #AIASG #AIA #HealthShield #B1B #HealthierLongerBetterLives #IntegratedShieldPlan #MediShieldLive