+65 9001 0001 kelvin@kelvinkhoo.com

When was the last time you reviewed your Critical Illness coverage? Is it a ‘fancy’ need to have such Multi-Stage, Multi-Pay Critical Illness coverage? Have a chat with any one you know who suffered from a Critical Illness and let them share the impact the dread disease brought upon self and family.

Nobody wants to be down with 1 but if it happens to you, it is YOUR responsibility to plan against maximum financial impact it brings to you and your love ones. Many people I know and talk to are still self-insuring, or somehow think it will never happen to them.

#KelvinKhoo #CriticalIllness #Cancer #FinancialPlanning #HealthInsurance #MedicalPlanning #DreadDisease #AIASG #HealthierLongerBetterLives #AIAASCC #ASCC #MSCC #MSCP