+65 9001 0001 kelvin@kelvinkhoo.com

This is never outdated! 🙂

Its too high, doesn’t mean it won’t set a new high. When the share price fall, wait for it to drop further.

Investing in shares require absolute knowledge of the Company, financial resources and discipline. Emotions can never be present.

Thats why there are other financial instruments, much riskier, for investors to pursue if buying the shares is out of reach. Just heard on radio today Korea is launching an ETF tracking Berkshire Hathaway, both Main and Class-B shares.

OR… let the professionals manage it for you, at a small fee of course, there is still no free lunch in this world!

AIA Singapore offers their Institutional Elite Funds for retail investors. You have a choice to use for capital growth, preserving your legacy for future generations, regular income for consumption or a hybrid. AIA Platinum Index Legacy even allows you to track the S&P 500 Index with a limited downsize risk should the Index plunge.

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